
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Psycho
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Who plays the role of the character Marion Crane in the film Psycho ?


Joan Plowright
Janet Leigh
Vera Miles
Vivien Leigh

The film Psycho is based on a book by which author ?


Robert Bloch
James Patterson
Brian McNaughton
Stephen King

Psycho was directed by


John Hay
Charles Crichton
Alfred Hitchcock
David Leland

Which actress played the role of Marion Crane's sister Lila in the film Psycho ?


Joan Plowright
Vivien Leigh
Vera Miles
Janet Leigh

Who plays the private detective Milton Arbogast, sent to find the missing $40 000 ?


John Gavin
Martin Balsam
John McIntire
Anthony Perkins

The last sequel to Psycho, Psycho IV:The beginning, was released in which year ?



Who plays the role of the central character Norman Bates in the film Psycho ?


John Gavin
Martin Balsam
John McIntire
Anthony Perkins

Which composer created the soundtrack to Psycho ?


Brad Fiedel
Arthur Rubenstein
Victor Young
Bernard Herrman

Psycho is most famous for which scene ?


Bedroom Scene
Shooting Scene
Theft Scene
Shower Scene

The film Psycho was released in which year ?



Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012